Homecare Tips
When you see the changes in your skin from your first facial, you will obviously want to stay consistent with such similar results at home. It's important to take certain precautions to ensure your results can be as effective as possible.
This includes but not limited to:
▪️Allowing all the products on your skin to stay on for at
least 12hrs before washing your face again.
▪️Drink lots of water to help continuously flush out the toxins
and to help keep your skin looking healthy and glowing.
▪️Keep your skin moisturized.
▪️Apply sunscreen before going outside.
▪️Do not pick on your skin
▪️Remember to change your pillow case at least once a week
and twice if you have problematic skin
▪️Don’t touch your face with dirty hands especially when out
and about. Your hands can carry bacteria that can sensitize
your skin.
▪️Laugh more! Your facial muscles will thank you.
▪️Take some time to rest and get enough sleep.
One of the secrets to aging gracefully

Please take the time to go through the list below and make sure none applies to you.While this list covers many contraindications, there may be others not listed below that would also prevent you from receiving any of the facial treatments services, and we reserve the right to determine what constitutes a contraindication. Speak to your physician if you have any questions.
Contraindications that PREVENT a facial treatment:
Viruses such as colds, FLU, COVID19, fever, cold sores, warts, Bacterial infections such as impetigo, boils, conjunctivitis, styes, Fungal infections such as ringworm, blepharitis, Undiagnosed lumps or swelling, Broken bones, known sensitivity or allergy to products. Eczema, psoriasis, cold sores, fresh bruising, open sores, bleeding, tooth abscess, broken jaw or other facial bone, facial cancer, head lice, recently consumed alcohol, under the influence of drugs, unstable blood pressure, recent head injury, recent neck injury, contagious disease, recent haemorrhage, recent scarring, severe acne.